The American Death Ceremony

The American Death Ceremony

Dr. Jimmy Steger

The American death ceremony started as a ritual back in the days of witchcraft. The last few years it has been developed into a science. It usually takes from fifteen to twenty years. However, modern scientific advancements are shortening this period of time.

It starts with one simple pain relieving aspirin for a simple headache or backache. When one aspirin will no longer mask the pain, then you decide to take two. After a few months, when two aspirin will no longer mask the pain in the head or the back, you take a stronger compound. By this time it becomes necessary to take something for the ulcers in your stomach that have been caused by the aspirin. Now we have two medicines in our body, and you have a great start.

After a few months, these medications are starting to disrupt your liver function. If a good infection develops, you now take some penicillin. Of course, penicillin will damage your red blood corpuscles and spleen so that you develop anemia. Another medication is then taken to cover up the anemia. By the time all of these medications put such a strain on your kidneys they should break down.

It’s now time to introduce some antibiotics into the system. When these destroy your natural resistance to disease, you can expect a general flair-up of all your symptoms. Then next important step is to cover up all of these symptoms with some good sulfur based drugs. When the kidneys finally plug up you can have them drained. Some poison will build up in your system, but you can keep going quite a while this way.

By now the medications in your body will be so confused they won’t know what they are supposed to be doing, but it really doesn’t matter. If you have followed every step as directed by your family physician, you can know make an appointment with your undertaker.

This game is played by practically all Americans in this country, except for the few ignorant souls who follow nature’s way.

Drugs only mask the symptoms allowing the body at best, time to heal itself. We must give our body the tools that are necessary to rebuild and regenerate healthy cells. These are minerals such as copper, calcium, magnesium, iodine, manganese, zinc, potassium, cobalt, sodium, selenium, and chromium. Without these elemental minerals in the body, you will not make it to see sixty or seventy years of age. These minerals taken on a daily basis through our diets and through additional supplementation, will allow our bodies to rebuild their own internal bio-magnetic energy form. We are then capable of pulling out of our food source those additional minerals our bodies deem necessary for proper health.

Until next time, stay healthy!

Dr. Jimmy Steger

Artificial Sweeteners “Consumer Beware”


By Dr. Jimmy Steger

Artificial Sweeteners “Consumer Beware”
      Food companies have been using sugar and other artificial sugar ingredients for many years in their products to make things sweeter and appeal to the consumer’s taste buds.

Some companies list the sugar up there near the top of their ingredient list, while others try to camouflage their sugar content by hiding behind such innocuous sounding names as turbinado sugar, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, acesulfame-k, and splenda.

While these sweetening ingredients may sound less offensive to the unsophisticated shopper, they are still empty calorie sweeteners that have been shunned for decades by nutritionist.  Remember this, labels must list their ingredients in the order of their predominance in the product.  So the nearer to the top of the ingredient list you see these various forms of sugar, the more sugar these products contain.

Artificial sweeteners have been among the most controversial food additives on the market.  In fact, controversy still rages today around two of the originals: cyclamates and saccharine.  One would think that artificial sweeteners would be among the last choice of companies who support to be surveyors of healthy foods.  Not so!  In fact, it is appalling to see the variety of artificial sweeteners that have currently found their way into the market place of our homes.  Let’s take a closer look at some of the popular ones as well as some of their possible side effects.

Aspartame, Here’s one of the worst!  This is one of the artificial sweeteners labeled as an Excitotoxin.  These excitotoxins, when ingested, cause too much frenetic energy in the brain.  Within one hour of ingesting this into your body, the neurons in the brain explode which can cause dull pain in the temple or front of the head.  If you are on a low carbohydrate diet or simply hypoglycemic, then your brain is going to suffer greater damage due to the lack of glucose in the brain cells. This is the main cause of ALS, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease and controversy has surrounded this product ever since it first came on the market as NutraSweet.  Here is a list of symptoms reported to the FDA’s Center for Food safety by people who have used aspartame:  headaches, dizziness, seizures, depression, numbness, muscle spasm, hearing loss, blurred vision, fatigue, weight gain, irregular heart beat, slurred speech, tinnitus, loss of taste, irritability, heart palpitations, anxiety, joint pain, insomnia, nausea, and memory loss.  Remember this the next time you decide to consume foods that list aspartame among its ingredients.

Acesulfame-K, This chemical sweetener is becoming more popular not only in foods but also high protein meal replacement powders, and nutrition bars, where it is the main sweetener used.  Manufactured by Hoechst, a German chemical company, this chemical is 200 times sweeter than sugar and used around the world.  Safety test were conducted in the 1970’s and according to some investigators, were of mediocre quality. Two studies in rats showed the additives caused cancer. Acesulfame-K was also shown to raise the blood cholesterol levels of diabetic rats, this fact lead several cancer experts, as well as the Center for Science in the public interest to urge the FDA to require better testing before permitting the artificial sweetener in soft drinks.  Furthermore Acetoacetamide, a breakdown product of Acesulfame-K, has been shown to adversely affect the thyroid gland in dogs, rabbits, and rats.  A word of caution.  Since the K stands for potassium, some companies have tried to avoid the controversy by listing this sweetener as Acesulfame-Potassium, making it sound natural.  Splenda, also known as sucralose is one of the very latest sweetener’s making it’s way into the foods we eat, as well as the nutrition bars, and other health products in the industry. It too is not with out controversy. McNeil specialty products manufacture Sucralose, also known as Splenda, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson.  It is derived by altering a normal sugar molecule through a patented process that selectively substitutes three chlorine atoms for three hydrogen/oxygen groups on a sugar molecule.  The tightly bound chlorine atom creates a molecular structure that is exceptionally stable and five to six hundred times sweeter that regular sugar.  The manufacturer claims sucralose is not broken down in the body after ingestion instead passes through the intestinal system intact and is then excreted.  However, some investigators claim that the sucralose is broken down in the body as small amounts of 1,6-dichlorofructose, a chemical that has not been adequately tested in humans. (Is it really good for any thing to pass through the body without being absorbed?)  Pre-approval research indicated that sucralose caused shrunken thymus glands (up to forty percent shrinkage) as well as enlarged liver, and kidneys.  The manufacturer claimed that the reason for this was that the sucralose was unpleasant for the rodent to eat in large amounts and that it was starvation that actually caused the shrunken thymus gland. Post-approval research has shown a possible sucralose link with enlargment of the large bowel area and renal kidney mineralization.  Furthermore, there have been no long term human studies done on this artificial sweetener.  Read your product labels and you will be surprised at how many of them are now using sucralose.  Sugar-Alcohol, Sugar Alcohol’s belong to a chemical family known as polyols, and while they resemble both sugar and alcohols in their structure, they are not actually classified as either.  Some of the popular polyols now being used as sweeteners now include Erythritol, (which is the most recent) Mannitol, Sorbitol, and Zylitol.  They are used in baking products, beverages, chewing gum, cookies, frozen deserts, and candy to provide sweetness, texture, and help retain moistness.  Even though the use of polyols appears to be safe, more research is still needed.  One human study conducted on erythritol, for instance, showed an increase in urinary excretion of calcium and albumin on test subjects, with some people experiencing bloating and flatulence at high levels of ingestion.  Until all the facts are in, it still would be wise to keep the use of polyols out of your diet.

Until next time, Stay Healthy!

Dr. Jimmy Steger   

20 Reasons to Weight-Train

20 Reasons to Weight-Train
Dr. Jimmy Steger

  1. Fit people have better self-esteem than out of shape people. 
  2. The greater amount of fatty tissue, the greater the risk of infection after a surgery. 
  3. You can lower your blood cholesterol by losing just 5% of your body weight. 
  4. A pound of muscle takes up about 22% LESS SPACE than a pound of fat.
  5. Working out helps relieve stress, which is a major cause of overeating.
  6. Your back, hips and knees will feel better if you are at your proper body weight.
  7. A physically active person has up to a 20-year advantage in terms of functionality over a sedentary person (so you will not only live longer, but live a better quality of life!).
  8. Gastric bypass surgery isn’t covered by insurance.
  9. Being fit can save you money (up to 15% on medical bills).
  10. Active people have a lower risk of cancer and other diseases.
  11. Physically fit people have a lower risk of falls and broken bones (especially people over 50).
  12. Exercise helps your brain to work more efficiently (people who use dumbbells aren’t dumbbells!).
  13. Strength and flexibility training can make you up to a quarter-inch taller.
  14. Fit people sleep better.
  15. Better blood circulation reduces the risk of hearing problems.
  16. People who exercise said work was more fun (well, at least more tolerable).
  17. Fit people have better digestion, less constipation and better complexions.
  18. Weight-bearing exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  19. Statistically, fat people are poorer than fit people.
  20. A sexy body results in more… well, you know.

Image is Critical, let’s train!

Dr. Jimmy Steger

Acrylamide: The Silent Killer


Dr. Jimmy Steger

What is acrylamide? – This is a chemical that’s found most prevalently in potato chips, French fries, crackers, coffee and other carbohydrate-laden snacks.  Many animal studies have shown that when acrylamide is eaten in excess – more than 40 micrograms, according to most estimates – it contributes to various forms of cancer. 

Now comes word that there’s something else one needs to concern themselves with when it comes to acrylamide consumption: heart disease.

The more I write, the more clear things become with regards to why heart disease is the number one killer in America today.  Much of it has to do with lack of exercise and improper diet, but it also has to do with the fact heart disease is linked to so many toxic chemicals like acrylamide. 

It’s estimated that acrylamide is found in as much as 40 percent of the average American’s caloric intake.  And because acrylamide is not an additive but rather a by-produce of the cooking process, it’s not something that can easily be easily eliminated from the diet.  It can, however, be reduced.

Before I get into how it can be reduced – and I’m guessing you already know what I’m going to suggest – let me relate the latest news on how acrylamide is linked to heart disease.

Polish researchers discovered the link after a group of participants for their study consumed an inordinate amount of acrylamide in the average day – about 160 milligrams.  Most of the acrylamide consumed came from chief offenders like the aforementioned potato chip and French fry. 

After four weeks of observing the participants’ acrylamide-crammed diet, the researchers found that their bodies were adversely affected.  For instance, antioxidants they consumed from other foods no longer pushed the acrylamide out of their bodies (strike one!), inflammation increased (strike two!) and the chemical make-up of their LDL levels changed (even though LDL is the “bad” kind of cholesterol, these changes were not of the “good” kind – strike three!).

These are three indicators of how at risk someone is for heart disease (you’re out!).

The full findings are published in this month’s edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

So what’s the best way to eliminate acrylamide from one’s diet? Eliminate French fries and potato chips number one, unfortunately, it’s very difficult to eliminate it entirely – particularly when it’s found in almost half of all calories consumed!  But by eating fewer cooked foods, it can be reduced rather significantly. 

If you’re already a healthy eater, reducing the number of cooked foods shouldn’t be too much of a change.  For example, one of the foods acrylamide is found in is in almonds.  Almonds are traditionally roasted, toasted or salted.  When they’re raw, they have far lesser amounts of acrylamide, one of the reasons why raw almonds are preferable to roasted. 

Another way to reduce acrylamide consumption is by having more vegetables served raw rather than cooked.  Again, acrylamide is produced through the cooking process when a food’s sugars and asparagines combine (and yes, the amino acid asparagine is found in large doses in asparagus, from which the name derives).  So the only way to reduce its prevalence is by reducing cooking. 

Acrylamide is one of those things that is almost impossible to avoid.  Its effects can be minimized, though, with preparation.  It’s sort of like to trying to stay dry when walking in the pouring rain:  You’re going to get wet, but how wet you get largely depends on your preparation (e.g. umbrella, rain jacket, galoshes, walking quickly as opposed to slowly).  With acrylamide, you’re going to consume it, but how much you consume of it depends on your diet (e.g. avoiding processed foods and eating as many raw vegetables, fruits, whole grains as possible).

Until next time, stay healthy!

Dr. Jimmy Steger

5 Dangerous Chemicals

5 Dangerous Chemicals

Dr. Jimmy Steger

A hundred years ago, these chemicals did not even exist. Today, bisphenol A, phthalates, PFOA, formaldehyde and even PDBE (polybrominated diphenyl ether) can be found in nearly all of the millions of homes in the United States. These chemicals are used everywhere from carpets to plastic bottles to cushions and even baby mattresses. These chemicals are also added to shampoos, hair waxes, makeup… You name it and the pharmaceutical industry has been able to add these chemicals to it.

Bisphenol A

This chemical is the foundation of nearly unbreakable and clear polycarbonate plastics. Epoxy resins also contain bisphenol A. As such, this chemical is found in every plastic product that requires heat-resistant and unbreakable clear plastics, like baby bottles, clear food containers, the hard lids of jars, compact discs like DVDs and even sealants used to prevent further tooth decay.

Babies that drink milk from plastic bottles, cups and glasses have been exposed. Dental patients with sealants that have been made with bisphenol A too have absorbed the chemical. In a recent CDCP study, a staggering 93% of all test subjects were positive for bisphenol A (through urine testing).

Long term studies suggest that prolonged exposure to this chemical can affect male sexual function. Other studies point to its potentially harmful effects to the human endocrine system. It turns out that this chemical can mimic estrogen, the naturally occurring female hormone that exists in both males and females. If there is  a chemical that mimics estrogen, then the body will experience a chemical imbalance – and we all know what chemical imbalances can do to the body. According to the FDA, this chemical can also cause negative effects to fetuses.


Phthalates is used as a plastic softener and binding agent. This chemical is used on personal care products like shampoos & conditioners. It is also used in  materials used in interior decoration, like vinyl tiles and bathroom curtains. Drugs that are time-released are also coated with phthalates.

Because of its widespread use, the chemical is absorbed readily by the body with every use of any product that has the chemical. A new study performed by researchers from the Mount Sinai Center reported the possible link between prenatal exposure to the chemical and ADHD. In other researchers and animal studies, this chemical has also been linked to the disruption of the endocrine system and sexual development in males.

Recently, the United States government has put a ban on six types of this class of chemicals that are used on products like toys. To reduce exposure to this chemical, avoid personal care products that only list ‘fragrance’ in the list of materials or ingredients. Such products may have phthalates added. You may want personal care products that actually list what they use for fragrance – there are a lot of products from companies that do not hide the chemicals they use.


PFOA is used to manufacture products like Teflon. As such, it is found in products that make use of Teflon, like pots, pans, ladles, etc. This chemical is also added to carpeting materials, furniture and a host of other products that are wildly disassociated with each other in function.

The chemical can be also be released into the immediate environment once the products containing it are destroyed. Current research suggests that Teflon-coated cookware tend to give off vapors, which can contaminate the food being cooked in or with the Teflon-lined wares.

The chemical can also be absorbed directly through the inhalation of polluted air. In animal trials, PFOA is a known carcinogen that actually causes cancerous growths and physical development problems. To reduce your exposure to PFOA, you may opt not to use Teflon-coated cookware  (use stainless steel pots, pans and ladles instead). Also, keep your heat to medium-high to reduce the vapors created when Teflon comes into contact with heat.


Formaldehyde is used in different types of adhesives, panelings, construction boards and pressed-fabric products. Exposure to this chemical is usually through direct contact with products containing the chemical. Also, cigarette smoke and car exhaust contains formaldehyde. Formaldehyde can cause allergic reactions that can affect the entire respiratory tract. To reduce exposure, furniture should be made from exterior grade wood. This doesn’t mean that the furniture will not emit formaldehyde; exterior grade wood just emits less of the chemical.


PDBE is a class of chemicals that are added to products to reduce flammability. Products like mattresses, foams, pillows, blankets and even coverings used for furniture are ‘enhanced’ with PDBE. According to recent statistics, about twelve million pounds of the chemical is manufactured on a yearly basis – and the chemical does not break down that quickly. EPA studies show that this chemical can cause damage to people’s kidneys and livers. Since PDBE can also be inhaled through dust, remove dust produced by old and new furniture. Also, avoid buying products that list PDBE as a fire retardant.

Use Wheatgrass to detoxify the body:

Wheatgrass is basically a young wheat plant. For decades, the grass has been used as food by man. And there is more reasons to enjoy wheatgrass today because it actually detoxifies the body and provides other benefits as well:

  1. It improves the digestive function.
  2. It controls high blood pressure.
  3. It increases the ability of the body to heal wounds quickly.
  4. It is a natural antibiotic because it contains chlorophyll, a green pigment.
  5. It helps prevent the progression of tooth decay.
  6. It has been noted for its ability to delay the onset of white or gray hair.
  7. It can be used as a general internal cleanser and detoxifying agent – to rid our bodies of accumulated toxins absorbed from food, water and the air.
  8. It can help reduce the scarring in the lungs caused by contaminated and acidic air.
  9. It is a natural blood purifier.
  10. It can help reduce the swelling and pain associated with soar throat (usually caused by bacteria).
  11. It is a natural sterilizing agent.
  12. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which improves the skin, helps protect the respiratory tract and also helps improve one’s immunity.
  13. It can be used as a natural mouthwash to control odor and bacterial growth in the oral cavity.
  14. It can help improve circulation in the body by improving the condition of capillaries – the smallest blood vessels in the body.
  15. It acts as a chelating agent, removing heavy metals like cadmium from the body.

     Until next time, stay healthy!

     Dr. Jimmy Steger

Beginners Nutrition Guide

By Dr. Jimmy Steger

How many calories? How much protein? Low carb or low fat?

Questions like these often swarm about the heads of beginner weightlifters, body builders and first time trainees in the local health club. The intricacies of balancing protein, carbohydrates, fat and water can be a little puzzling at first, however if you understand what each of them can do for you and stick with a few basic rules, you’ll find eating healthy and smart to be a pretty painless process.

To gain muscle you have to eat more calories than you burn. If you train regularly, you will burn between 15-20 calories per pound of body weight per day, depending on your workouts and daily activity levels. If you shoot for about 20 calories per pound of body weight, or 3,000 calories for a 150-pounder, you will be eating enough to keep gaining muscle, but no to much so that you are also adding extra fat to your frame.

All four macronutrients are vital to life, but protein plays the largest role in helping your body recover from strenuous exercise. Protein comprises elements called amino acids, which are used for everything from building muscle and connective tissue to the formation of enzymes. I recommend that the beginner body builder consume a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for maximum benefit. As you become more advanced, in your training, then you will add more protein to your diet. Good quality sources of protein include organic chicken breasts and turkey, white fish, protein shakes, and egg whites.

Carbs serves as a quickly accessible form of fuel for the body during your workouts. To maximize muscle growth, beginners need to take in about 2 g. of carbs per pound of body weight or about 300 g. for a 150 lb. guy. The majority of these should be slow-digesting or what is known as low-glycemic carbs (a measure of how fast these carbs get their sugar into your blood stream). Low-glycemic carbs provide longer-lasting energy and don’t spike insulin levels, which could enhance fat gain at the wrong time of day. Fast-digesting or High-gylemic carbs rapidly raise blood-sugar levels and spike insulin. Sounds bad, but this is actually what you want immediately after workout to better replenish your muscles and boost muscle growth. Insulin will help get blood sugar and amino acids into your muscles and will also jump-start your muscle growth process. Below is a chart that will help you see the difference in high-glycemic carbs vs. low-glycemic carbs.  Remember I do not suggest the use of white rice or white flour for anyone.


  • Plain bagel
  • Rice cakes
  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Baked russet potatoes
  • Pasta


  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat-grain breads
  • Whole wheat pastas
  • Oatmeal – All
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Apples
  • Apple juice


If you’re serious about getting results from your training, you need to consider not just what you eat, but when.  The most basic rule to gaining good quality muscle is to eat 6-7 small meals a day rather than 2-3 large ones. This will keep your body stocked with a steady flow of high quality nutrients and will also help maintain a steady metabolism to ensure your gains are muscle not fat. Approximately 30-45 minutes before training you should have about 15-20 g. of fast-digesting protein, such as a whey protein isolate shake, and about 30-40 g. of slow-digesting carbs. Within 20-30 minutes after your workout, you should take in 40-50 g. of fast-digesting protein (whey protein shake) and about 60-80 g. of fast-digesting carbs. Besides your pre- and post workout meals, you’ll want to space out another 3-4 meals at 3-hour intervals, finishing your last (which should be made up of almost entirely protein) approximately 15-30 minutes before bed.

For the beginning body builder trying to add more muscle mass, we typically recommend keeping fat intake under about 30% of your total daily calories. You do not want to drop your fat intake to low: this macronutrient is vital in cushioning and lubricating your body’s cells, and also has an exercise-related function. Exercise is fueled by both carbohydrates and fat, the longer you exercise, the more your body will depend on fat, since the body can store only a limited amount of glycogen in muscles and in the liver. In addition, very intense exercise relies more on carbohydrates, while low to moderate  exercise relies more on fat for fuel. When you are resting between sets, you’re burning fat to replenish the energy systems that you will need to be up and running for your next set. The kind of fat you eat is every bit as important as the amount. You should work toward reducing your intake of animal fats, which are saturated (the kind most closely associated with arterial and heart disease), instead concentrating on more helpful fats from sources like extra virgin olive oil, avocados, almonds, walnuts and seeds, and fatty fish such as salmon.

Water, by far is the most important substance we put into our bodies. Babies are approximately 85% water and adults are usually in the 45-55% range, which is one of the primary reasons most American’s age too fast. If we keep our water levels up our skin and body will stay properly hydrating offsetting the aging process.  Water is a colorless, odorless liquid made up of molecules containing 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen, however with out it, we wouldn’t be here. It’s as essential to our existence as air, and our bodies are about 70% water. The point is, water is vitally essential nutrient, one you shouldn’t be without for very long during the day, especially as a hard training athlete. The old recommendation for drinking 8 glasses of water per day is no more accurate than most old wise tales. I suggest to all my patients and clients in the gym that you consume 1/2oz water for 1lb of body weight on a daily basis. Yet, being a body builder makes you more than just the average man or woman, as training increases your need for water. If you drink about 1 gallon of pure bottled water a day, you will take in adequate amounts of fluids, as you will also get fluid from the foods you eat and from other beverages. The most important thing is to never feel thirsty.  It’s a sign that your body is already dehydrated.

Until next time, stay healthy!

Dr. Jimmy Steger

The Aspartame/NutraSweet Fiasco

The Aspartame/NutraSweet Fiasco
James S. Turner

Many health-conscious people believe that avoiding aspartame, found in over 5000 products under brand names such as Equal and NutraSweet, can improve their quality of life. The history of this synthetic sweetener’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including a long record of consumer complaints and the agency’s demonstrated insensitivity to public concern, suggests they’re right.

In October 1980 the Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) impaneled by the FDA to evaluate aspartame safety found that the chemical caused an unacceptable level of brain tumors in animal testing.  Based on this fact, the PBOI ruled that aspartame should not be added to the food supply.

This ruling capped 15 years of regulatory ineptitude, chicanery and deception by the FDA and the Searle drug company, aspartame’s discoverer and manufacturer (acquired by Monsanto in 1985), and kicked off another two decades of maneuvering, manipulating and dissembling by FDA, Searle and Monsanto.

In 1965, a Searle scientist licked some of a new ulcer drug from his fingers and discovered the sweet taste of aspartame. Eureka! Selling this chemical as a food additive to hundreds of millions of healthy people every day would mean many more dollars than limited sales to the much smaller group of ulcer sufferers.

Searle, a drug company with little experience in food regulation, began studies to comply with the law — but which failed to do so. Its early tests of the substance showed it produced microscopic holes and tumors in the brains of experimental mice, epileptic seizures in monkeys, and was converted by animals into dangerous substances, including formaldehyde.

In 1974, however, in spite of the information in its files, the FDA approved aspartame as a dry-foods additive. But the agency also made public for the first time the data supporting a food-additive decision. This data was subsequently reviewed by renowned brain researcher John Olney from Washington University in St. Louis, and other scientists.

Dr. Olney discovered two studies showing brain tumors in rats and petitioned FDA for a public hearing. Consumer Action for Improved Foods and Drugs (represented by the author of this piece) also petitioned for a public hearing based on the approval process having been based on sloppy science and the product’s having reportedly caused epileptic seizures in monkeys and possible eye damage.

Dr. Olney had already shown that aspartic acid (one aspartame component) caused microscopic holes in the brains of rats after each feeding. Aspartame also includes phenylalinine, which causes PKU in a small number of susceptible children, and methyl, or wood, alcohol which is neurotoxic in large amounts.

Faced with this array of possible health dangers, FDA granted the hearing requests. In lieu of withdrawing its aspartame approval, the agency prevailed on Searle to refrain from marketing the sweetener until after completion of the hearing process. it then proposed that a Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) review the matter.

In July of 1975, as the FDA prepared for the PBOI, an FDA inspector conducted a routine review of the Searle’s Skokie Ill., testing facilities and found many deviations from proper procedures.  This report led the FDA commissioner to empanel a Special Commissioner’s Task Force to review Searle’s labs.

In December of 1975 the Task force reported serious problem with Searle research on a wide range of products, including aspartame.  It found 11 pivotal studies conducted in a manner so flawed as to raise doubts about aspartame safety and create the possibility of serious criminal liability for Searle.

The FDA then stayed aspartame’s approval.  It also contracted, over serious internal objection, with a group of university pathologists (paid by Searle) to review most of the studies, set up a task force to review three studies and asked the U.S. Attorney for Chicago to seek a grand jury review of the monkey seizure study.

The pathologists paid by Searle only reviewed failure to properly report data and not the study’s  design or conduct.  They found no serious problems.  The FDA task force found Searle’s key tumor safety study unreliable, but was ignored. The U.S. attorney let the statue of limitations run out, then (along with two aides) proceeded to join Searle’s law firm.

While these committees met, the FDA organized the PBOI.  Searle, the petitioners and the FDA Bureau of Foods each nominated three members for the board and the FDA commissioner selected one member from each list.  the board, which convened in January of 1980, rejected petitioners’ request to include the commissioner’s task force information in its deliberations.  Still, in October 1980, based on its limited review, the board blocked aspartame marketing until the tumor studies could be explained. Unless the commissioner overruled the board, the matter was closed.

In November 1980, however, the country elected Ronald Reagan President. Donald Rumsfeld (former congressman from Skokie, former White House chief of staff, former secretary of defense and since January 1977 president of Searle) joined the Reagan transition team.  A full court press against the board decision began.

In January 1981 Rumsfeld told a sales meeting, according to one attendee, that he would call in his chips and get aspartame approved by the end of the year. On January 25th, the day the new president took office, the previous FDA commissioner’s authority was suspended, and the next month, the commissioner’s job went to  Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes.

Transition records do not show why the administration chose Hayes, a professor and Defense Department contract researcher.  In July Hayes, defying FDA advisors, approved aspartame for dry foods — his first major decision. In November 1983 the FDA approved aspartame for soft drinks — Hayes’ last decision.

In November 1983 Hayes, under fire for accepting corporate gifts, left the agency and went to Searle’s public-relations firm as senior medical advisor. Later Searle lawyer Robert Shapiro named aspartame NutraSweet. Monsanto purchased Searle. Rumsfeld received a $12 million bonus. Shapiro is now Monsanto president.

Shortly after the FDA soft-drink approval, Searle began test marketing, and complaints began to arrive at the FDA — of such reactions as dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, and seizures. The complaints were more serious than the agency had ever received on any food additive, At the same time, scientists began looking more closely at this manufactured chemical sweeetner.

In 1985, the FDA asked the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to review the first 650 complaints (there are now over 10,000).  CDC found that the symptoms in approximately 25% of the complainants had stopped and then restarted, corresponding with their having stopped and then restarted, either purposely or by accident, aspartame consumption.

The CDC also identified several specific subjects whose symptoms stopped and started as they stopped and started consuming aspartame. The FDA discounted the report. The day the FDA released the CDC report, Pepsi Cola — having obained an advance copy — announced its switch to aspartame with a worldwide media blitz.

Former White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld owed a debt of gratitude to former White House confidante and Rumsfeld friend Donald Kendal, Pepsi’s chairman. The Pepsi announcement and aggressive marketing (millions of gumballs, a red and white swirl, tough contracts) made NutraSweet known in every home.

At the same time, according to data released in 1995, human brain tumors like those in the animal studies rose 10% and previously benign tumors turned virulent.  Searle and FDA’s deputy commissioner said the data posed no problem. Two years later this same FDA official became vice president of clinical research for Searle.

From 1985 to 1995, researchers did about 400 aspartame studies.  They were divided almost evenly between those that gave assurances and those that raised questions about the sweetener.  Most instructively, Searle paid for 100% of those finding no problem. All studies paid for by non-industry sources raised questions. 

Given this record, it is little wonder that many health-conscious people believe avoiding NutraSweet improves their quality of life. If and when a scientific consensus concludes that aspartame puts some, if not all, of its consumers at risk, it will be much too late. The point is to eat safely now. Remember: the brain you save may be your own.

James S. Turner, Esq., is a partner in the 27-year-old Washington, D.C. consumer-interest law firm of Swankin and Turner.  He is the author of The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on the Food and Drug Administration, Making Your Own Baby Food, and a number of law journal and popular media articles.

Exercise Is Critical For Detoxification


By Dr. Jimmy Steger

Exercise Is Critical For Detoxification

Exercise can benefit you in more ways than one!  Incorporated into a positive lifestyle, exercise improves oxygen intake, muscle definition, and overall metabolism.  It also has a very important role in the elimination of toxins by stimulating sweat production and improving lymphatic circulation. 

Your skin is the largest organ of the body.  Its glands secrete sweat to eliminate toxins and regulate body temperature.  Many people do not allow their bodies to breathe and properly sweat.  This is due to a lack of exercise, use of antiperspirants, restrictive clothing, and the use of products that clog skin pores.  Exercise is a simple effective way to stimulate sweat, sweating flushes out toxic metals, lactic acid, urea, and other toxins that circulate within the body. 

The lymphatic system helps the body defend itself against disease.  It transports infection-fighting cells and removes cellular debris.  The circulation of lymph is different than the circulatory system in that the lymphatic system does not have a central pump.  The circulation of lymph tissue is dependant upon the movement of skeletal muscle.  Improving the body’s ability to remove cellular waste is enhanced with exercise.  Exercise promotes full-range of motion in joints and strengthens muscles to improve lymph flow. 

Don’t forget in addition to stimulating sweat production and improving the function of the lymphatic system, exercise increases oxygen intake.  An oxygenated environment inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungus, viruses, and even cancer cells.  Improve your bodies natural defense against toxins by committing to an active lifestyle of strength training and aerobics.  The benefits of exercise are limitless. 

Few Tips For Detoxification

Eat foods high in fiber- adding bulk such as whole grains, to your diet promotes bowel movements to eliminate waste and toxins.

Eat foods that are nutrient dense- Nutrient dense foods contain a combination of nutrients that will help to naturally detoxify the body daily, such as fruits, vegetables, and organic greens.

Avoid toxins from foods- Many commercialized foods contain toxins such as preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors.

Drink plenty of water- Aids in tissue hydration, elimination of toxins via blood, kidneys, and urine. Dividing your body weight in half equals the minimal amount of recommended daily intake.  Avoid tap water.

Eliminate excess body fat- Many toxins are stored with fat tissue. 

Exercise- Reduces fat, increases blood circulation, and promotes breathing.

Breathing exercises- Promotes the intake of oxygen and promotes the release of carbon dioxide. 

Support your organs of detoxification- The liver and kidneys can become overwhelmed with internal toxins. Nutrients such as barberry, dandelion, and milk thistle, help to nourish these vital organs.

Eliminate heavy metals- Nutrient such as chlorella, encapsulate and transport heavy metals from the body via the bowel.

Until Next Time, Stay Healthy!

Dr. Jimmy Steger 


Cloned Meat and Milk

Cloned Meat and Milk 

WASHINGTON, October, 2006 – The Food and Drug Administration first proposed that it might permit the sale of milk and meat cloned animals in 2003, resulting in a public reaction that has run the gamut from interest to horror. Now the FDA, citing new data, expects to give its stamp of approval by the end of this year. Stephen R. Sundlof, the FDA’s chief of veterinary medicine responsible for the agency’s risk assessment, maintains that “food from cloned animals is as safe as the food we eat every day.” But the FDA has never published the complete scientific studies it says support that claim. Proponents claim that cloning will improve upon the consistency and quality currently available. However, there is significant concern that the public will reject such products. According to the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, a nonpartism research and education project, surveys show that more than 60 percent of the U.S. population is uncomfortable with the idea of animal cloning for food and milk. Concerns for safety are built on the assertion that genetic changes seen in some clones may alter the very nutritional nature of meat. The FDA itself acknowledges that clone pregnancies result in more miscarriages, deformities and premature deaths than do other technologies, but the agency dismisses this fact, saying the problems aren’t unique. The Washington-based Center for Food Safety has filed a petition with the FDA asking that cloned animals be classified as “transgenic animals” – animals that have been engineered by adding specific genes. This means they would be regulated the same way as new pharmaceuticals, under a category called “New Animal Drugs”. The petition states, “The available science shows that cloning presents serious food safety risks, animal welfare concerns and unresolved ethical issues that require strict oversight.” Consumers aren’t the only ones concerned. Dairy companies fear that association with cloning will undermine their carefully-maintained image of wholesomeness. In fact, confidential documents from the International Dairy Foods Association obtained by The Washington Post show that the group has been instrumental in slowing the FDA’s approval.

Candida Can Kill Your Vitality

Candida Can Kill Your Vitality 

Bacteria, fungi and yeast can start a toxic chain reaction in your body with devastating effects. Invisible to the naked eye, these silent assassins are linked to many health problems that often go misdiagnosed. The late Dr. Bernard Jensen, noted natural authority, believed that “unfriendly” bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses added highly poisonous wastes to the colon and bowel. Left unchecked, they can build up a toxic “pit” in your gut and create serious problems. This toxic buildup can be the root cause of some of the most common health complaints today. It is critical that these invaders be destroyed and removed in order to restore health. This process, however, can release toxic residues that may, in the short-term, worsen a person’s condition. These symptoms are only temporary and will go away. Once populations of malicious visitors are reduced, symptoms will dissipate and the road to good health should be a much smoother ride!

One of the most toxic inhabitants in our bodies is candida albicans. Candida is a yeast that is normally present in the intestines. Infection or overgrowth begins in the digestive tract, resulting in a population explosion that can cover the intestinal wall. Candida overgrowth can spread to the esophagus, colon and genital tract. It can cause a range of digestive problems including constipation, diarrhea, colitis, gas and heartburn. Overgrowth can also chemically and mechanically interfere with the breakdown of foods and the absorption of nutrients. This yeast may destroy enzymes needed for cell energy and cause the release of free radicals that encourage the aging process. Candida albicans infection is suspected as a major contributor to chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune deficiency, allergies, depression and a variety of other systemic problems.

You May Actually Feel Worse Before You Get Better

People suffering from a range of illnesses including chronic fatigue, digestive disorders or other systemic problems may not make the connection between their symptoms and candida overgrowth, but it may become evident once they experience “candida die-off.” In reversing the yeast overgrowth, it has been suggested that for one in five people, symptoms may worsen. That’s because a yeast cell can produce over seventy-five known toxic substances, among them alcohol and formaldehyde, which can poison the body. When the yeast cells rupture and spill their toxic contents into the bloodstream. Symptoms can include a range of flu-like maladies such as headaches, fever, chills, rashes, nausea, vomiting, sweats, bloating, abdominal pains, body aches, muscle weakness, diarrhea and constipation. This reaction has sometimes been called “the healing crisis,” although more specific terms are used depending upon the organism involved; the term “die-off reaction” is used for candida, and “Jarish-Herxhiemer reaction” refers to herpes infection.

Chlorella Can Assist in Reversing Candida Overgrowth

Overgrowth of candida albicans can stem from lack of dominance of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Often, it’s foothold can be fueled by the over use of antibiotics. This kills competing populations of benign bacteria, clearing space for candida to set up colonies. Chlorella may promote the growth of friendly bacteria, while its beta glucan content may enhance the effectiveness if antibiotics – helping to reduce the need for multiple prescriptions or large doses of antibiotics.

A second cause of candida infection is a weakened immune system that is unable to control the yeast’s growth. By taking chlorella, and in particular the extract, you may be activating immune cells stationed within the intestines to attack. Macrophages are the immune cells that destroy these little beasts. Studies suggest chlorella enhances the growth and activity of these immune cells. Additionally, chlorella may increase production of chemicals that can contribute to the destruction of candida: interferon and tumor necrosis factor. It has also been suggested that pesticides and industrial toxins are a major contributing factor because they weaken the immune system. Chlorella tablets are supreme detoxifiers that may “unwedge” stored toxins such as pesticide residue, heavy metals and other poisons.

When You Start Taking Chlorella…

Because chlorella simultaneously addresses numerous suspected root causes of candida infection, it might be concluded that it reduces the yeast population. When yeast are killed off and their poisons are released into the bloodstream, your organs must process them in order to eliminate them from the body. As a result, individuals who have unknowingly become host to rampant populations of candida, and are sensitive to the release of these toxins, may temporarily experience a range of uncomfortable side effects. The length of this reaction is unique to each person and will depend upon factors such as diet, the person’s overall health, the extent of candida infection and the rate of detoxification. According to Dr. Steenblock in his book, Chlorella, Natural Medicinal Algae, “These reactions are most prevalent in those persons who need chlorella the most since these people have the weakest bowels and have greater toxicity to neutralize.”

Recommendations for the “Road to Recovery”

If you experience discomfort while taking chlorella, reduce your intake to less than one gram a day. If that is still to much, try taking it every other day. Slowly increase the serving size if symptoms have lessened.
Constipation or diarrhea is common during die-off. One Japanese study suggests that tablets actually help alleviate constipation. If this is your only side effect from taking chlorella, a lager serving of tablets may help. Paradoxically, the process of detoxification may cause diarrhea. In this instance, it may be advised to reduce your serving size o lessen this effect.
Take both chlorella extract (CGF) and tablets, the chlorella extract is concentrated source of the immune-enhancing substances that may help activating “yeast killing” macrophages. The tablets contain smaller amounts of CGF, but are rich with chlorella’s fibrous cell walls and chlorophyll that can help hasten removal of toxins.
Avoid over-consumption of yeast’s favorite foods: sugar and alcohol.
Rest as much as possible and drink lots of purified water.
Note: The symptoms of candida die-off can be identical to an allergic reaction; it is possible that reactions to taking chlorella can be caused by either condition. If there is an intolerance to chlorella with a serving size of less than one gram, it can signify an inability to take this product due to a food allergy, and should be discontinued.